Culture eats strategy for breakfast.
Attributed to the management guru Peter Drucker, the line became popular
in the middle of the last decade when Mark Fields, President of the Ford Motor
Company, posted it in his war room. The company’s culture
warranted sustained attention from his leadership team, Fields was saying, otherwise it could make their strategic planning and priorities meaningless. Even more fundamentally, implicit in Fields’
posting was the message that leaders could address and actively shape their organizational
culture for the better.
How to foster that strong, positive and creative culture has
always been the real question. Changing
beliefs, changing behaviors, and providing common goals are among the general
approaches that leaders have adopted when wanting to create a culture in
specific contexts. Yet all of these must
begin, quite simply, with the people in a team or organization – and it is
often in leading those people, and the talent they bring, that the strongest
and most creative cultures are built.
I recently
had the opportunity, with the Berlin School Executive MBA program, to visit an outstanding
example of talent leadership: the UFA Lab – a Content Lab based in Berlin and
also in Cologne. The Lab is part of UFA,
one of Germany’s oldest and most distinguished entertainment brands, with an
artistic heritage of films. UFA is part of FremantleMedia, represents a group
of dynamic production companies, and is owned by the conglomerate Bertelsmann.
The Lab
retains exceptional autonomy, however, to pursue revenue-neutral projects and
enter into imaginative partnerships to explore opportunities and innovation in the
shifting digital media and communications marketplace. Indeed, as the following graphic makes clear,
the Lab has emerged over the last three years as a platform for the digital
entertainment industry, developing interactive entertainment with some of the
most creative organizations in the world, including YouTube/Google, Apple and
Nintendo, as well as German start-ups like Couchfunk and movinary.
The outcomes of such collaboration have included a host of innovative new media projects, productions, and events. Consider Rescue Dina Foxx!, a transmedia project joining broadcast television drama with online video content and gaming to produce an interactive captivating thriller for audiences to solve. Produced with German broadcaster ZDF and teamWorx in 2011, the carefully designed project generated both actual and online communities to investigate a fictional murder. While an engrossing and interactive thriller, the project also smartly employed multiple media tools and platforms to explore with viewer-participants contemporary issues around digital identity theft. It’s Germany’s biggest-ever alternate reality game. Watch the full trailer.
While the UFA
Lab has leveraged its place within Bertelsmann to forge imaginative
collaborations with major global partners and to pioneer innovative media and
entertainment productions, other drivers of their success are more human
scale. Speaking to Jens-Uwe Bornemann, the
UFA Vice President Digital Ventures & Innovation who founded and leads the
UFA Lab, and some of his senior producers, it quickly becomes evident how
crucial to the Lab’s success have been the personal interactions in the space
on Mehringdamm in Berlin’s Kreuzberg neighborhood, in Cologne, and through individual
connections beyond, including in London and New York. One of the clear takeaways of a visit, in
fact, is that Bornemann’s flexible project-based business design and open leadership
of such diverse and cross-functional talent, who often reside in different
sites and sometimes organizations, have been indispensable to the UFA Lab’s consistent
creative productivity.
Legendary adman Jay Chiat once famously said, “How big do we
get before we get bad?” That is still a
useful maxim for many agencies and firms wanting to remain nimble and adaptable. More recently, a current legend, R/GA’s Bob
Greenberg, offered the following variation: “How diverse are we going to get
before we get good?” Such recognition of
the power, even necessity, of successfully deploying diverse talent marks a
critical priority for leaders of creative production, teams and wider communities
Diversity, of course, is about people and their different
experiences and outlooks, ideas and perspectives. It’s also about how leaders guide those
people toward shared goals. Culture,
after all, is crucially about people and the values, beliefs, and goals they
share. Effective leadership, like that
of the UFA Lab, continually enables and inspires people by envisioning the
opportunities that those with shared belief and collective effort can explore
and achieve. Without such leadership and
its catalyzing effects, diverse talent can remain dispersed, disorganized, and
Culture still eats strategy for breakfast. But so can people, particularly in creative
businesses, if they are not empowered to pursue shared priorities and achieve
common goals. With the increasing
diversity of talent brought to bear today in teams, projects and organizations,
there’s perhaps no greater challenge – and opportunity – for creative leaders than
to enable and inspire their people.